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Monday, September 11, 2006

Is Buying A Home The Ticket To Financial Freedom?

Financial Expert Estimates Some 10 Million Renters Could Save Money by Buying
According to financial expert and author David Bach, home ownership is the key to personal wealth.

Is buying a house the ticket to financial freedom? According to financial expert and author David Bach, home ownership is the key to personal wealth.

"You can't get rich if you're a renter. The American dream of home ownership has really separated the rich from the poor in this country. The average renter in America today is worth less than $5,000. The average homeowner is worth over $172,000," Bach said.

Bach is spreading that message in his latest best-seller, "The Automatic Millionaire: Homeowner." And he's spreading that message on a bus tour, with the zeal of a gospel preacher.

"It's more than just the gospel of home ownership. It's the gospel of freedom," he said.

Nearly 10 Million Renters Could Afford a Home

Bach isn't opposed to other investment strategies, he's just convinced that homeownership is a sure bet. "I'm not against the stock market, but the simplest investment people will ever make that really performs well for them is their home. It's the ultimate retirement account," he said.
"There are nearly 10 million renters today that could actually afford to buy a home, to get a mortgage, but they don't know it," he said. "You don't need a big down payment. You don't have to have perfect credit. Even if you have credit card debt, the banks will loan you money to buy a home," he added.

"20/20" challenged Bach to help just two families out of that 10 million realize the American dream of buying their first home.

One couple, Alison and Greg Kenyon, from the metro Detroit area, together make nearly $60,000. They have a 2-year-old and a baby on the way and are quickly outgrowing their rental apartment but admit they don't know a thing about buying a home.

During a meeting with the Kenyons, Bach had surprising news for them: Their monthly payments might actually be less if they buy.

"Because you get a tax writeoff for your mortgage -- it will actually be less expensive for you to own than rent," he told them.

He told them that based on their strong credit history, they should have no trouble getting a $180,000 loan.

Tracking 'the Latte Factor'

Even though they have a nest egg of $10,000, Bach advises them to take a hard look at their spending, especially at Greg's specialty beer collection.

"I teach people to look at what I call the latte factor. Because it helps to find money. We all spend money on little things, like lattes at Starbucks or bottled water or cigarettes, eating out," he said.

Next, Bach met the Norrises, Bambi and John. They live in a rented home outside Fresno, Calif., with their two children. Bambi is a school teacher, Jason sells tires. With a combined salary of $40,000 (less than the national average), the Norrises are a bigger challenge for Bach. Although they're eager to have a place of their own, it's an uphill battle as they struggle to pay the bills every month.

When Bach visits, he took one look in the kids' rooms and immediately discovered their "latte factor."

Their son's video games and their daughter's pricey hobby, beauty pageants. "I'm not trying to take all the fun out of your life here, but just cutting that back would probably be a difference between a $150,000 home and a $200,000 home," Bach told them.

It's a welcome and important dose of reality for the Norrises.

"My stomach hurts to think of all the money that we've put into games and silly things that we could do without," Bambi said.

Bach says saving money is serious business if you want to buy a home. The Norrises have only $4,000 in savings -- just a drop in the bucket in the pricey California market -- especially since they have big dreams.

They're hoping for a home with three bedrooms, a good-size garage and nice yard.

Aim for a Starter Home Before a Dream Home

Bach has a bit of a reality check for the Norrises and Kenyons.

"Here's the truth. You can't buy your dream home first. You have to get your starter home. And often your starter home is not going to be as nice as what you rent. In fact, in most cases, you have to go backward in the real estate game to go forward. You have to make a sacrifice. And that's the hardest hurdle for many people," Bach said.

But that sacrifice will make you rich, Bach said, especially if you buy more than one home and rent the others.

Mark Ruggiero is practically a walking advertisement for Bach's advice. Even though he makes less than $50,000 in New York City -- one of the country's most expensive markets -- he scrounged up a down payment to buy a studio apartment two years ago. When it went up in value, he was able to take out another loan, for another studio. Finally, with a roommate he bought a one-bedroom apartment that's almost triple the size of his first place.

This was the key for Ruggiero -- instead of selling his first two places, he rented them out -- and the rent covers almost all three of his mortgages.

So, to people who feel there is no way they could possibly afford to buy their own home, Ruggiero says, yes you can.

"I honestly believe that if I did it two years ago, that anybody can do it," he said.

There's Risk, but It's Worth It in the Long Run

But should everybody do it? Ruggiero had a hot market on his side, but with the market cooling, foreclosures increasing, and interest rates rising, some critics say returns on home buying are less of a sure thing.

Bach acknowledges that the market has cycles and that real estate is not a risk-free transaction. "It's not enough to be able to afford your home, you have to be able to afford your mortgage. Just because the bank will loan you $200,000 doesn't mean that you should borrow $200,000. In fact, I recommend that people borrow 10 [percent] to 20 percent less than the bank has told them they can borrow," he said.

"Real estate is not a risk-free transaction. A lot of it comes down to time. The more time you have, the better chance you have to ride out a bad real estate market," he said.

Given that real estate values have been going up for 40 years, however, Bach says the biggest risk is never buying at all.

The Norris and Kenyon families followed Bach's advice.

Just two months after their first meeting, the Norrises made an offer on a house not far from their current rental. At $180,000, and no down payment, the house is at the upper limit of what they can afford. Still, they say the house is priced under market and, best of all, fulfills some of their dreams -- in particular, having three bedrooms.

The Kenyons in Detroit are also thrilled with their progress. With Bach's advice, they got a mortgage and found a house they could afford. At $170,000, it still had most of what they wanted. They closed on the property this week, and now the house is officially theirs.

Allison Kenyon is glad she and her husband followed Bach's advice. "The possibilities are endless with this home. We can do anything to this, and it's ours. Hopefully, the choices that we make will do nothing but add value to the home and to our pockets."

Article from ABC News found online at www.abcnewsonline.com

For more information on this article or assistance with your San Diego real estate needs contact Noel Wheeler of Prudential California Realty at (619) 718-4266 or visit http://www.noelwheeler.com/

Thursday, September 07, 2006

How to get the best deal in real estate

How to get the best deal when you buy and the best price when you sell
By Pat Mertz Esswein

Home buyers and sellers gearing up for high season are encountering a swing in the balance of power: more parity between supply and demand, sellers and buyers. Last year, home sellers worried about missing out on thousands of dollars in profit if they sold too soon. This year's class frets about how long it will take to get their price. Last year, buyers feared that if they didn't jump into the market, they would miss their chance. Now they wonder how long they should watch prices fall before they make their move.

Nationwide, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has forecast a 5% price rise for existing homes in 2006. That's less than half of last year's rise of 13%. In some of the hottest markets, the froth in prices will evaporate. Buyers will have more homes to choose from and more bargaining clout -- that is, a return to contracts with contingencies and without escalation clauses. The NAR also expects the number of existing home sales to fall 4% or 5% in 2006 (although that would still make it the second-best year on record).

What this means is that sellers need to lower their expectations. The days are over when you can slap any home on the market and sell it for more than asking price. Now you have to find the pricing sweet spot and work harder to reel in a buyer.

Sellers: Price it right

It can be difficult to price a property when recent comparable sales are higher than you can reasonably expect to get for your home. Roberta Murphy, a real estate agent in San Diego, says you have to look not only at how much comparable homes sold for but also at how much time they spent on the market. In Murphy's market, homes that are priced right sell within 30 days. Keep in mind, too, that houses on the market for "too long" can develop a bad reputation, and today's buyers are more clued in to time on the market than in the past. "Buyers often ask about it and construct their offers accordingly," says Murphy.

Stay flexible. A more balanced market means you'll probably be negotiating with the buyers. Also, don't judge an offer on price alone because other factors may make it worthwhile. For example, an offer from buyers who will rent back the house to you until you're ready to move might be worth a lot. Or maybe you've found a buyer who can easily qualify for a mortgage at your price but will have difficulty coming up with the down payment or closing costs. In that case, a seller contribution in exchange for a higher price might make sense.

Make it stand out. At a minimum, make repairs, clean your house and get rid of clutter. You'll also give buyers peace of mind if you're willing to share the cost of a current appraisal and any appropriate inspections, such as for termites.

Buyers: Don't wait

Is now a good time to buy? Dave Liniger, chairman for a nationwide real estate company, gave his four children some advice when they asked if they should buy or wait: "In every case, I advised that it's impossible to time the market -- no one can say accurately what will happen." He recommends that buyers go ahead and buy something they want to stay in for at least the next five to ten years. "If prices go down, you're not hurt -- you're in the house you want to live in."

Target your offer. Start by finding out how motivated the sellers are, then target your offering price. Roberta Murphy, the San Diego agent, tells buyers that if a home is new to the market and priced very well, they should make an offer at the top of the range; if it has been on the market for six months, they might make an offer at the bottom of the range or even below.

Many builders have begun to offer concessions and upgrades as their new-home inventories grow fatter. If those aren't advertised, negotiate for them. You may find bargains on resale homes in developments where builders are still selling new properties. The owner of one slightly used property may have more freedom to reduce the price than the builder who has already sold 200 at the higher price.

Win the beauty contest. You may still find stiff competition for properties with the greatest discounts, so you'll want to look like a sure thing to sellers. Get pre-approval for your financing and try to schedule any appraisals and inspections in advance to minimize the time those will take. You can even write a "love letter" to the seller, pleading your case. "By putting a personal story to the offer, you stand out," says Murphy.

Protect yourself. In some of the hottest markets during the past few years, buyers have felt compelled to make "clean" offers. As sanity returns, get price and property protection by adding to the contract contingencies for a current appraisal, financing and a home inspection.
Article from Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine found online at http://www.kiplinger.com/
March issue 2006

For more information on this article or assistance with your San Diego real estate needs contact Noel Wheeler of Prudential California Realty at (619) 718-4266 or visit http://www.noelwheeler.com/